Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Forms and Dispositions + Potential Energy

Sun Tzu says that the skillful warrior can achieve his own invulnerability but he can never cause the vulnerability of the enemy. That fits into being prepared at all times, and then seizing the initiative in a battle for when an opportunity presents itself and riding the momentum to victory.

Skillful victories lie in attacking what is vulnerable, hitting the enemy where it hurts the most. Sun admits that victory can be gained head-on as well, but this would entail more casualties and difficulties than absolutely necessary. This deals with the hard choices that 2nd Lieutenants have to make between actions that will get the job done without your people getting killed.

What I understood from the chapter on potential energy is more emphasis on seizing the initiative. He also mentions engaging directly and seizing victory indirectly (flanking)and that timing makes a big difference. In the STX lanes, maneuvering and attacking from the side is important, as well as the timing of the assault team. While urban combat may be radically different, timing and seizing the initiative must still play a vital role.

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